Pascale Levasseur, Osteopath Intern, I.O.

Graduating from Concordia University in 1998 with a degree in Athletic Therapy, her passion for helping others led her to pursue a career as a paramedic in Montreal/Laval for over 20 years. This allowed her to deepen her medical knowledge of a varied, suffering and vulnerable clientele. Drawing on this richly human experience, Pascale chose to put her skills to work to serve her clientele in a different way, by focusing her interventions on health research in addition to treating illness. She also returned to school in 2020. She is now completing her 4th year at the Collège d’Ostéopathie de Montréal, while beginning her practice as a student osteopath.

At Continuum, she benefits from quality supervision and referrals with experienced osteopaths to perfect her knowledge and skills. Her personal interests are closely linked to health: she has been practicing karate for 20 years now and has recently taken up endurance cycling (better known as road biking). It goes without saying that at present, what little free time she has left is devoted to studying, reading and learning about her new profession, her new passion.